haven't you noticed how many accounts in friendster have selected "It's complicated" as their status? [especially in my age group]
"It's complicated" can mean a lot of things!
ranging from...
: two-sided mental/emotional confusion.
: one-sided mental/emotional confusion.
: A likes B and has detailed plans for a future with B but B doesn't even know A
: A thinks B likes A even though B expressed that B doesn't like A
: A thinks B is being hard-to-get because B told A that B is in a relationship
: (insert more here)
why can't people just answer "Single" or "In a relationship"? If you think you're in between, don't choose "It's complicated"... choose one of the first two!
if you think that choosing "single" will be shouting to the world that you're available... well, HA-HA! simply flashing "single" will not help you in advertising your availability. in present time, advertising oneself requires more boldness and more creativity.
for example...
posted in front of a shop with medium to heavy human traffic.
as i said, boldness and creativity.
why can't finding a mate (also means a lot of things) be as easy as the chicken's way of attracting one?
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